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Are You Thirsty?

Evelyn Collins

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”

John 4:10 NIV


Dad drove across a bridge and went inside a rental office on Topsail Island. We sat in the car with the windows rolled down, chatting and singing while we waited for him to return with directions and a key. Thoughts of playing in the waves made us long to be on the beach, enjoying the cool ocean breeze. We couldn’t wait to put on our swimsuits.

The next stop was to purchase food before continuing to the cottage. We walked along the aisles as dad grabbed items. Our faces beamed when he put plump golden lemons and sugar in our grocery cart because we knew he was making a huge batch of homemade lemonade.

Finally, we leaped from the vehicle and ran towards a cottage that sat on a dune. Dad brought in and put away groceries while we opened all windows and lugged suitcases into the bedrooms. Then he made refreshing lemonade.

Thin curtains swayed as a soft breeze blew through the windows. The waves roared. They beckoned us to dip into the cool water, so we begged to go outside, and finally, dad allowed us to walk to the water’s edge. We remained outside until dusk, building sandcastles and jumping in waves. The container, with lots of ice and refreshing lemonade, sat on the screened porch. Often, we climbed over dunes, threw our towels over porch railings, and gathered around the large trash can of lemonade, gently shoving one another aside, trying to dip our cups first. My fondest memories are how much dad’s lemonade satisfied and quenched our thirst during hot summer days.

Years later, my sister’s birthday gift to me was a trip to Israel. Excitement swelled in me I hadn’t felt in years. Whenever I stepped from the bus and listened as pastors shared the stories of Jesus, I was in awe. The soil beneath my feet was the same ground Jesus had strolled upon centuries ago. It was holy ground.

Jesus taught and healed people as he strolled the hillside and performed miracles. I imagined his sandaled feet as he walked around Galilee with his disciples. The crowds pressed in, shoved, and pushed to be closest to Jesus. They followed and surrounded him, and with stretched-out arms, they hoped to touch his garment and become whole. One woman touched the bottom of His robe and received healing from a disease that had plagued her for years. When the multitudes grew weary and became hungry and thirsty, He fed them. So they sought the healing and living water he offered.

A Samaritan woman walked a sizable distance and was tired and thirsty when she reached Jacob’s well. She came alone rather than with other women because of her past husbands and current relationship. Jesus was nearby and met the woman drawing water from the well. He disclosed things about her that a stranger couldn’t know. His knowledge of her hidden secrets bewildered her. He went against the culture when He approached a woman and forgave her, while others shunned her as being unfit.

Jesus revealed he was the Messiah during their conversation. He continued by telling her about with living water she would never thirst again. It amazed her to learn that He is the living water.

Jesus said, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. Whoever drinks this water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving eternal life.” John 4:14 NIV

While standing by the woman, he said. “I am the Messiah.” John 4:26 NIV

Jesus satisfies our souls. The Bible refers to Christ as living water. When we believe in Jesus, then the Holy Spirit lives within believers. He is the giver of life.


Thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness and for offering everyone forgiveness and living water from the everlasting well. Open up opportunities for me to share my testimony of your love with those that are less fortunate.

Your Turn:

What opportunities have I taken advantage of to meet those that society considers outcasts? Have I shared the gospel of Christ so they can hear about and receive forgiveness and living water from the everlasting well?



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